
20 December 2022

News release

Partial indexation as of Januari 1, 2023

The board has decided to increase pensions by 8.3% as of January 1, 2023. This is a partial indexation.
16 December 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.4% at the end of November 2022

Staples Pension Fund's policy funding ratio at the end of November 2022 is 128.4%. It is unchanged from the end of October 2022.
7 December 2022

News release

Decision on indexation 2023 will follow at the end of December

The decision on the indexation of Pensioenfonds Staples will be taken in December. This will be announced on the website and in the newsletter at the end of December.
29 November 2022

News release

AOW-age to be raised by three months in 2028

The AOW-age will be raised to 67 years and three months in 2028. For the years 2024-2027, the AOW-age will remain at 67 years.
10 November 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.4% at the end of October 2022

The funding ratio of Staples Pension Fund at the end of October 2022 is 128.4%. It has decreased slightly compared to to the end of September 2022 (128.7%). 
3 November 2022

News release

Digital newsletter November 2022 sent out

Today, all subscribers received the November 2022 digital newsletter.
13 October 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.7% at the end of September 2022

The funding ratio of Staples Pension Fund at the end of September 2022 is 128.7%. It has decreased slightly compared to to the end of August 2022 (128.8%).
26 September 2022

News release

Digital 'Proof of life' for retirees abroad

Do you live abroad and receive a pension from us? Then you are probably familiar with the annual sending of your 'Proof of living'. We have good news: starting this year, you can send your proof via an app.
8 September 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.8% at the end of August 2022

De beleidsdekkingsgraad van Pensioenfonds Staples is eind augustus 2022 128,8%. Hij is gelijk gebleven ten opzichte van eind juli 2022 (128,8%). 
12 August 2022

News release

Digital newsletter sent August 2022

Today all subscribers received the August 2022 digital newsletter.