
3 May 2022

News release

Your Uniform Pension Statement 2022 is ready for you in MyStaplesPension

This week you will receive your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO) 2022. The UPO is the annual moment to take a look at your pension and we would like to help you with that!
13 April 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.9% at the end of March 2022

The funding ratio of Staples Pension Fund at the end of March 2022 is 128.9%. It has increased compared to the end of February 2022 (128.7%). 
15 March 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.5% at the end of February 2022

The funding ratio of Staples Pension Fund at the end of February 2022 is 128.5%. It has increased compared to the end of January 2021 (128.4%). 
15 February 2022

News release

Funding ratio 128.4% at the end of January 2022

The funding ratio of Staples Pension Fund at the end of January 2022 is 128.4%. It has increased compared to the end of December 2021 (127.9%).
2 February 2022

News release

Small pensions automatically transferred to new pension administrator

As of January 1, 2019, the Small Pensions Value Transfer Act applies. This states that pension funds can automatically transfer small pensions to the new pension provider if an employee changes jobs.
31 January 2022

News release

Annual statement 2021 and pension statement January 2022

Your 2021 annual statement and January 2022 pension statement are ready in MyStaplesPension.
28 January 2022

News release

Login to MyStaplesPension possible again

You can log into MyStaplesPension again. The malfunction has been resolved.
17 January 2022

News release

Funding ratio 127.9% at the end of December 2021

The policy funding ratio of the Staples Pension Fund at the end of December 2021 is 127.9%. It has increased compared to the end of November 2021 (127.2%).
20 December 2021

News release

Full indexation as of January 1, 2022

The board has decided to increase pensions by 4.00% as of January 1, 2022 (= 3.28% full indexation + 0.72% catch-up indexation).
17 December 2021

News release

Your pension in 2022

In 2022, we will pay your pension benefits on the 22nd of the month. Does the 22nd fall on a weekend? Then we will pay your pension benefit on the Friday before that weekend.