News release

Elections not needed and current board members reappointed

3 October 2024

Staples Pension Fund Foundation (SPS) earlier announced that the composition of the board will change. There will be two members on behalf of future pensioners, four on behalf of current pensioners and two independent directors.

As there is no longer an employer and no works council to nominate directors, this task was assigned to the Staples Pension Fund Participants Association (VDPS). Future and current pensioners could also nominate themselves for the board. The latter did not happen. Therefore, there was no need for elections. Independent directors could be appointed directly by the board.

To maintain the board's uninterrupted progress and cohesion, current board members have been appointed to the board, on behalf of another section and subject to the approval of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). The changes will take effect from 1 November.

Adjustments to the Accountability Body (VO)

The composition of the VO has also been adjusted. It now consists of six members, two of whom represent future pensioners and four of whom represent current pensioners. The VDPS nominated the candidates. Also for the VO, all members of our fund were called upon to apply for a position. No candidates applied for these positions and elections were not required. The candidates nominated by the VDPS have since been appointed. The changes will take effect from 1 November.