In the past period, we informed you about the upcoming changes to the board of Stichting Pensioenfonds Staples (SPS) due to the removal of the employer and works council. Earlier, we informed you that six current board members were appointed subject to the approval of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). DNB has since approved these board members.
The new board consists of two members on behalf of future pensioners, four on behalf of current pensioners and two independent directors. The changes will take effect from 1 November.
Adjustments to the Accountability Body (VO)
The composition of the VO has also been adjusted. It now consists of six members, including two members on behalf of future pensioners and four members on behalf of current pensioners. A new member was added to the VO: Mr J. Walraven. The five members already present were reappointed.
As of 1 November, the composition is as follows:
Board |
Independent board members: |
De heer E.G.M. Donders |
Mevrouw T. Stanoevska |
On behalf of current pensioners: |
De heer P.A.H. Martens |
De heer A.P.M. Mol |
De heer J. van Noord |
Mevrouw M.E.J. Schuit |
On behalf of future pensioners: |
De heer F.P. Lamein |
De heer R.A.L. Monnens |
Accountability body: |
On behalf of current pensioners: |
De heer H. B. Albers |
De heer G. Altena |
De heer D. de Rooij |
De heer H. Winkel |
On behalf of future pensioners: |
De heer R. Pauptit |
De heer J. Walraven |