
7 December 2016

News release

Future of the Pension Fund

The Pension Fund has recently received questions about the future of the Fund. The reason for these questions is probably due to the fact that the Fund is shrinking because new participants are no langer joining the Fund. The Fund's Board has studied the risks facing a shrinking fund and has undertaken a detailed analysis, which resulted in a vulnerability matrix. On the basis of this matrix, the Pension Fund Board continuously looks whether independent continuation of the Pension Fund is the best solution for all stakeholders and/ or whether a different form has to be chosen. By stakehol...
7 December 2016

News release

Representation VGB on the Pension Fund's Board

Once every three years the Pension Fund asks all pensioners (approx.4200) whether they still approve this representation. The result of the vote shows that a clear majority (92%) of the pensioners who send in the voting form (approx. 2300) has confidence that the VGB is a good representative for the pensioners. Do you want more information about the nomination of candidates for the board, please consult the bylaws on our website.
7 December 2016

News release

First e-newsletter

In november a digital newsletter was sent for the first time. You received it by e-mail if you signed up for it. If not, you received a letter by post.  Here you can find the e-newsletter. To get informed about the current developments concerning the Staples Pension Fund, sign up for the digital newletter.
10 November 2016

News release

Increase AOW pension age in 2022

The government has announced the increase of the AOW pension age in 2022 to 67 years and 3 months. Your AOW pension age depends on your date of birth. Were you born after 30 September 1955? Your exact AOW pension age is not known yet. However it will be at least 67 years and 3 months. Do you want to know your expected AOW pension age? Use the AOW-tool. Do you want to know more about AOW? Read here about AOW. 
4 October 2016

News release

Your consent is required

This week, all pensioners of Staples Pension Fund received a letter about representation by the Association of Pensioners Buhrmann / CE / Staples (VGB). VGB members represent  the pensioners in the government and other bodies of the Pension Fund. Once every three years,  we ask whether you as a pensioner agree to the VGB representing you in the next three years. It is therefore important that you fill out the enclosed answer form and return it before November 1st through the reply envelope. If you want to know more about the association of pensioners please check the website of ...
9 September 2016

News release

First e-newsletter will be published in the autumn

On this website you can sign up for the e-newsletter. Many participants of the pension fund have already done so. The e-newsletter will be published for the first time in the autumn of this year. If you have signed up you will receive the newsletter by e-mail. You then read the latest news and developments about your pension and your pension fund. The e- newsletter will be published approximately four times a year. Would you like to stay informed? Then you can sign up here for the newsletter. In August, all active members and retirees received the summary of the annual report by regu...
9 August 2016

News release

Annual report summary Pension fund Staples

Today the annual report summary is published. In this summary you will read about the review of 2015, the pension fund's future, significant key figures and an interview with secretary of the board of trustees, Peter Martens. Annual report summary august 2016
31 May 2016

News release

Uniform Pension Overview arrives on 1 June

Active participants of the Staples Pension Fund receive their Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) on wednesday 1 June. On this overview you'll find information about how much pension you have accrued with the Staples Pension Fund. From next year, your UPO will only be available online in MyStaplesPension. You can log in to My StaplesPension using your policy number and the password you'll find in the cover letter with the UPO.  You'll find more information on the page About the UPO. Do you have questions about you pension and would you like to consult in person with a pension profess...
12 April 2016

News release

Low interest rates put coverage ratio under pressure

The policy coverage ratio at the end of March 2016 was 115.4%. The coverage ratio is the basis for decisions by the pension fund, for example regarding any increase or decrease in the pensions. The policy coverage ratio is the average monthly coverage ratio over the past 12 months. Like all pension funds in the Netherlands, our pension fund is affected by the low level of interest rates. This is reflected in the monthly coverage ratio, which at the end of March was 110.1%, which is significantly below the average seen over the past year. Why do low interest rates affect the coverage ratio? Low...
29 February 2016

News release

Pension Scheme

A supplement to the pension regulations (in Dutch) Pension 1-2-3 For your current pension amounts please refer to My Pension (see above right)