
3 November 2017

News release

Digital newsletter about risks

This week we have published a new digital newsletter with a lot of information on risk management. What risks does a pension fund have to manage? And how does the pension fund manage these risks? Read the newsletter here.  
16 October 2017

News release

Funding ratio 119.8% at the end of September 2017

Pension Fund Staples ' policy funding ratio was 119.8% at the end of September. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has risen from 121.4% at the end of August 2017 to 124.0% at the end of September 2017. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
28 September 2017

News release

Are you entitled to a 'forgotten' pension?

You may have read it in the news this week: there are a lot of “forgotten” pensions in the books of Dutch pension funds. Pensioenfonds Staples also administrates almost 500 pensions for former participants who have not yet reported themselves. Could one of these pensions be yours? Then contact us by telephone: +31 20 426 63 20 or by mail: Do you have a so-called DigiD? Then check de website This site shows you all the (state) pensions you have accrued in the Netherlands.
8 September 2017

News release

Funding ratio 118.8% at the end of August

Pension Fund Staples ' policy funding ratio was 118.8% at the end of August. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has decreased from 122.9% at the end of July 2017 to 121.4% at the end of August 2017 . More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
6 September 2017

News release

Former participants now have access to pension planner

Have you accrued pension with Staples Pension Fund in the past? From this week, you can see your accrued pension in the pension planner. You can see the effect of different pension choices. For example, would you like to retire early? Or do you want to convert part of your retirement pension into additional pension for your partner? Log in to the pension planner to see all your options. You can find the pension planner in MyStaplesPension. Log in with your DigiD.  
29 August 2017

News release

Have a look at the annual report summary 2016

Today or tomorrow you will receive the annual report summary in your mailbox. We look back on the most important developments in 2016. Much work was done in all policy areas in 2016. The funding ratio decreased, but the overall condition of the pension fund, both financially and in terms of governance, was and still is good. In the annual report summary you can find information about the future of the fund. Also have a look at the infographic with the most important facts and figures from 2016. Do you prefer reading the annual report summary online? You can find it here.
10 August 2017

News release

Have you received the digital newsletter?

Today a brand new digital newsletter has been sent to all subscribers. This issue includes news about the Uniform Pension Statement, the financial position of the pension fund and more. Would you like to be kept informed about news related to your pension and/or pension fund? Sign up for the newsletter and you will receive the next issue in you mailbox. You can read previous editions here.
10 August 2017

News release

Funding ratio 118% at the end of July

Pension Fund Staples ' policy funding ratio was 118% at the end of July. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has risen from 122% at the end of June 2017 to 122,9% at the end of July 2017. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
31 July 2017

News release

Funding ratio 117% at the end of June

Staples Pensioenfonds' policy funding ratio was 117% at the end of June. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has risen from 121.6% at the end of May 2017 to 122% at the end of June 2017. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
12 June 2017

News release

Funding ratio 116% at the end of May

Staples Pensioenfonds' policy funding ratio was 116% at the end of May. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average funding ratio of the last 12 months. Because the policy funding ratio is lower than the legally required funding ratio (116.2%), the fund has prepared a recovery plan to address this. The actual funding ratio has risen from 120.9% at the end of April 2017 to 121.6% at the end of May 2017. More information on this topic on the...