
2 March 2018

News release

Create an account in MyStaplesPension

Since 2017 you only receive certain post from the pension fund digitally in MijnStaplesPension. We would like to send you an e-mail when certain mail is ready for you. This saves costs and is better for the environment. You do need to create an account for this. Create an account in MyStaplesPension Via three short steps you can create an account: Step 1: Go to and log in with your DigiD. Step 2: Enter your e-mail address  Step 3: Confirm your e-mail address by clicking on the link from our confirmation e-mail. What else do you find in M...
14 February 2018

News release

Funding ratio 122.4% at the end of January 2018

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 122.4% at the end of January 2018. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has increased from 122.9% at the end of December 2017 tot 125.0% at the end of January 2018. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
18 January 2018

News release

Pension fund no longer in a recovery situation

In 2017 the pension fund’s financial position improved to such an extent that the recovery plan is no longer necessary. Since June 2017 the policy funding ratio has been higher than the funding ratio required under law.   The pension fund’s financial position had been inadequate since mid-2016. The policy funding ratio was below the required funding ratio and the pension fund therefore had a reserve shortfall. The pension fund then prepared a recovery plan, which specified how the pension fund would once again achieve the required funding ratio level within 10 years. By the end of Decembe...
11 January 2018

News release

Funding ratio 121.9% at the end of December 2017

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 121.9% at the end of December. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has decreased from 124.1% at the end of November to 122.9% at the end of December. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
4 January 2018

News release

Annual statement (“Jaaropgave”) in January

If you have received pension in 2017, we will send you an annual statement (Jaaropgave) at the end of January. This statement will indicate the exact pension amount you have received in 2017, and the amounts that have been deducted for taxes and the income-related health insurance contribution. From the end of January you can also find the annual statement in MijnStaplesPension.
22 December 2017

News release

Pension increase from 1 January 2018

The financial position of the pension fund is sufficient to provide almost a full supplement. The pensions of retirees and former members will be increased by 1.29% and those of active members by 1.50%. This corresponds to 96% of the standard. Statutory rules have to be taken into account when providing the supplement. The pension fund is only permitted to provide the full supplement when the policy funding ratio is 122%. At the end of November the policy funding ratio was 121.4% and therefore not quite high enough to enable the full supplement to be provided. The decision on the final supplem...
22 December 2017

News release

Retirement age stays the same, accrual rate down

Average life expectancy has increased in recent years. People therefore receive the state pension and pension scheme benefits for a longer period of time. To limit the effect of this, the government previously decided to increase the state pension age and the target retirement age for future pension accrual in stages. This doesn't affect the value of the accrued pension benefits. In 2015 the target retirement age for future pension accrual was statutorily increased from 65 years to 67 years. Owing to the increase in life expectancy, this target retirement age will be further increased to 68 ye...
11 December 2017

News release

Funding ratio 121.4% at the end of November 2017

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 121.4% at the end of November. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has decreased from 124.2% at the end of October 2017 to 124.1% at the end of November. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
10 November 2017

News release

Funding ratio 120.7% at the end of October 2017

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 120.7% at the end of October. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio has risen from 124.0% at the end of September 2017 to 124.2% at the end of October 2017. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
9 November 2017

News release

Reliable management of your pension capital

It is impossible to avoid risks when managing a pension fund. There are financial risks as well as non-financial risks. A considerable part of managing a pension fund involves the management of risks. How does the Board of Trustees ensure that the pension fund takes risks in the most responsible way possible? An effective and reliable pension fund organisation is essential for this. Read more about the various risks, how these are managed and how this is monitored.