
21 December 2018

News release

New rules for small pensions

If you change jobs often, you may have many small pension funds with different pension funds. These small pensions are often bought off and then no longer belong to the later pension. The government has therefore changed the rules for small pensions as of 1 January 2019. What do the new rules mean? Are you out of service and have you accrued a small pension of between € 2 and € 474.11 gross per year? Then, from 1 January 2019, pension funds are no longer allowed to buy this off. This means that the value of your pension will remain with Stichting Pensioenfonds Staples. It is also possible that...
6 December 2018

News release

Funding ratio 123.5% at the end of November 2018

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 123.5% at the end of November 2018. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. Just as in October, the actual funding ratio at the end of November was also 122.2%. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
7 November 2018

News release

Funding ratio 123.7% at the end of October 2018

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 123.7% at the end of October 2018. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio decreased from 125.1% at the end of September 2018 to 122.2% at the end of October. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
8 October 2018

News release

Funding ratio 123.8% at the end of Septmeber 2018

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 123.8% at the end of September 2018. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio increased from 124.2% at the end of August 2018 to 125.1% at the end of September. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
13 September 2018

News release

Funding ratio 123.8% at the end of August 2018

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 123.8% at the end of August 2018. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio decreased from 124.4% at the end of July 2018 to 124.2% at the end of August. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
28 August 2018

News release

Have a look at the annual report summary 2017

Today you will receive the annual report summary 2017.  We look back on the most important developments in 2017.  In the annual report summary you can find information about the future of the fund. Also have a look at the infographic with the most important facts and figures from 2017. Do you prefer reading the annual report summary online? You can find it here.  
17 August 2018

News release

All Staples employees move to defined contribution scheme

Staples has decided that with effect from 1 July 2018, all Staples employees will accrue their pension in the LifeSight defined contribution scheme (the premiums pension institution of Willis Towers Watson).  Staples employees entering employment since 1 January 2015 have already been participating in this scheme since that time. The pension accrued until 1 July 2018 will remain with the pension fund. All members still accruing a pension will be sent a letter from the pension fund in September explaining the implications for their pension with the Staples pension fund.
17 August 2018

News release

Digital newsletter dispatched

  Sign up for the newsletter Today all subscribers have received the digital newsletter. In this edition you will read more about the financial situation, feasibility test, the Summary Annual Report and the outcome of the participant survey. You also read that your pension fund has become a closed fund and that all employees have switched to a defined contribution plan as of 1 July.  Click here for the Digital newsletter August 2018.  
10 August 2018

News release

Funding ratio 123.5% at the end of July 2018

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 123.5% at the end of July 2018. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund. The policy funding ratio is the average actual funding ratio of the last 12 months. The actual funding ratio increased from 122.5% at the end of June 2018 to 124.4% at the end of July. More information on this topic on the page Funding ratio.
9 August 2018

News release

Feasibility test 2018: pension fund passes

The pension fund conducts a feasibility test every year. The feasibility test provides insight into the relationship between the financial configuration, the expected pension result and the associated risks. In 2015 the Board set the pension fund’s (long-term) risk attitude, thus defining the lower limits for the pension result. The expected pension result is then tested against these limits each year. The outcomes of the test show that the expected pension result meets the pre-defined limits and that it will continue to do so even if the fund experiences difficult times in the future. More in...