
9 January 2020

News release

Funding ratio 117.6% at the end of December 2019

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 117.6% at the end of December 2019. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund.
9 January 2020

News release

BPS Scheme discontinued

On a salary up to € 82,700, you accrued pension in the basic scheme. On salary above € 82,700, you accrued pension in the BPS scheme. The pension fund is terminating its administration of the BPS scheme.
23 December 2019

News release

New in MijnStaplesPensioen: change account number and upload documents via My details

We have made it a lot easier to communicate changes to us. From now on you can immediately change an account number and upload documents and forms to Pension Service.
23 December 2019

News release

When will you receive your pension payment in 2020?

In 2020 you will receive your pension payment every 22nd of the month. Is the 22nd on the weekend? Then we pay your pension benefit on the Friday before that weekend. 
20 December 2019

News release

Pension increase from 1 January 2020

The pension fund’s financial position is sufficient to allocate the entire supplement. The pensions of all members will be raised by 1.27%.
11 December 2019

News release

Funding ratio 117.5% at the end of November 2019

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 117.5% at the end of November 2019.
13 November 2019

News release

Funding ratio 117.9% at the end of October 2019

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 117.9% at the end of October 2019.
12 November 2019

News release

Feasibility test 2019: pension fund passes

The pension fund conducts a feasibility test every year. The feasibility test provides insight into the relationship between the financial configuration, the expected pension result and the associated risks. In 2015 the Board set the pension fund’s (long-term) risk attitude, thus defining the lower limits for the pension result. The expected pension result is then tested against these limits each year. The outcomes of the test show that the expected pension result meets the pre-defined limits and that it will continue to do so even if the fund experiences difficult times in the future. More in...
22 October 2019

News release

New state retirement age processed in MijnStaplesPensioen

In het onlangs bereikte Pensioenakkoord is afgesproken dat de AOW-leeftijd minder hard stijgt dan gepland. De nieuwe AOW-leeftijden zijn inmiddels verwerkt in MijnStaplesPensioen.
9 October 2019

News release

Funding ratio 118.3% at the end of September 2019

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 118.3% at the end of September 2019.