
11 June 2020

News release

Funding ratio 113.7% at the end of May 2020

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 113.7% at the end of May 2020.
25 May 2020

News release

Your data on one page

From now on you can manage all your communication preferences via MijnStaplesPensioen.
14 May 2020

News release

Funding ratio 114.4% at the end of April 2020

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 114.4% at the end of April 2020.
6 May 2020

News release

Uniform Pension Statement (UPS) 2020 at the beginning of May in the (digital) mailbox

At the beginning of May, you will be receiving your Uniform Pension Statement (UPS) from Pensioenfonds Staples.
2 May 2020

News release

We are closed on May 4 & 5

The Pension Service department is not available on Monday 4 May and Tuesday 5 May.
28 April 2020

News release

Digital newsletter April 2020 dispatched

Today all subscribers have received the digital newsletter. In this edition you will read more about the UPO 2020, Corona update, financial position and other pension news
14 April 2020

News release

Funding ratio 115.5% at the end of March 2020

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 115.5% at the end of March 2020.
23 March 2020

News release

Pension agreement update

The Cabinet, the employers' organizations and the national trade unions have recently fleshed out the pension agreement. As a result, it is gradually becoming clearer what the future pension system will look like - and what it will mean for you and for the pension fund.
11 March 2020

News release

Funding ratio 116.7% at the end of February 2020

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 116.7% at the end of February 2020.
17 February 2020

News release

Funding ratio 117.4% at the end of January 2020

Pension Fund Staples' policy funding ratio was 117.4% at the end of January 2020. The funding ratio of a pension fund specifies the ratio between the assets and the liabilities, and is an indicator of the financial position of a pension fund.